Sunday, August 16, 2009

The State of HSY 3

Did a Margaret Mitchell and wrote the ending of HSY 3, pre-epilogue. The idea's been floating around in my head now for this awkward, parting of ways. Now if only I could bring myself to write the rest.

HSY 3 kind of reflects the college journey for me, and with my path kind of up in the air right now between schools, I kind of feel like I can't finish HSY 3 until this whole college thing is settled for myself--i.e. the end of freshman year and next summer. I'm also having trouble finding the time to finish all the projects I started. And I really hate to leave projects unfinished.

I'll try my best within the next two weeks to try to wrap up a draft of the College Guide. HSY is on hold for now, but I'll try to write up a scene. That won't be finished by the end of this summer, but it will, I promise, be finished by the end of next year. No excuses, I'm finishing the trilogy. I'll try my best to write it when I have time.

As for Bottoms Up!, I finished the pilot and started writing the second episode. That's going to be put on the side burner for now, but I'll be satisfied with just two episodes written. It's relatively easy to throw together.

I also have ideas for a new project, a short story based on a vampire romance and my intern experiences. I'm absolutely sick of how vampire romances are now a trend, so I wanted to write an off-beat parody of one that is just borderline creeper. The name? Reality Bites (tentative), which will center on a small town girl's experience finding out her BGF (GL word for 'best guy friend') is actually a VGF ('vampire guy friend'). This VGF wants to be more and is convinced this girl is his soulmate, so this girl sends in a letter to her local teen mag, where an intern uncovers it and the diary the girl sent. Oh, sounds scandalous, right? Hopefully I can get a little help writing seeing I don't care to know much about vampires!

In reading-land, I'm on page 307 of Gone With the Wind (named hereafter Gone For the Win (GFTW), which I'm getting through little-by-little. I'm thinking of just buying the book and working to get through it these first couple months of college. I refuse to watch the movie until after. I want to see if the whole bias thing works.

That said, I'm off to go live and see a movie. Happy writing, everyone! I ought to consider doing more of it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pilot Ready for Landing

"Don't leave the key underneath the mat for me 'cause I won't be coming back around here."

Wrapped up the pilot of Bottoms Up tonight (phrase which I masterfully incorporated in the latest of my published articles on GL.) I'm sharing it with all two to three of you for feedback. It's fun enough, and I have plans for about six episodes vaguely. It's just a shame I'm not more humorous.

Speaking of which, I'm feeling very dry tonight. It's a strange sensation, being drained of emotion. For one of the first times in my life, I understand Rhett Butler and how you can be depleted of your feeling for someone. There's always something there, but sometimes you have to put your foot down, shrug, and just say "I'm sorry. I'll always care about you vaguely, but I just can't put the effort in anymore. I don't care to. The motivation is gone," a long pause, "You killed it."

It'd be one of those long, awkward moments where you, nonchalant as ever would just tilt your head and offer a small smile. It isn't that you mean to be mean. You don't care enough to mean anything. You feel nothing. Every emotion you ever felt before has evaporated. For every complaint, moment of angst, it's all replaced with something else: complacency. It's replaced with the word 'whatever. I just don't care. Do what you want, just leave me out of it.'

It's hard to describe. I think coupled with fatigue, its tendencies are only accentuated. But you can't say you don't care at all, not even the slightest .000001% because that'd be a lie. You just don't care the way you used to. You just don't feel the way you used to because you don't really feel anything. And all you can really say is "I'm sorry." You look that person dead in the eyes. "It was you."

Here's Bottoms Up! Hooray.