Sunday, August 16, 2009

The State of HSY 3

Did a Margaret Mitchell and wrote the ending of HSY 3, pre-epilogue. The idea's been floating around in my head now for this awkward, parting of ways. Now if only I could bring myself to write the rest.

HSY 3 kind of reflects the college journey for me, and with my path kind of up in the air right now between schools, I kind of feel like I can't finish HSY 3 until this whole college thing is settled for myself--i.e. the end of freshman year and next summer. I'm also having trouble finding the time to finish all the projects I started. And I really hate to leave projects unfinished.

I'll try my best within the next two weeks to try to wrap up a draft of the College Guide. HSY is on hold for now, but I'll try to write up a scene. That won't be finished by the end of this summer, but it will, I promise, be finished by the end of next year. No excuses, I'm finishing the trilogy. I'll try my best to write it when I have time.

As for Bottoms Up!, I finished the pilot and started writing the second episode. That's going to be put on the side burner for now, but I'll be satisfied with just two episodes written. It's relatively easy to throw together.

I also have ideas for a new project, a short story based on a vampire romance and my intern experiences. I'm absolutely sick of how vampire romances are now a trend, so I wanted to write an off-beat parody of one that is just borderline creeper. The name? Reality Bites (tentative), which will center on a small town girl's experience finding out her BGF (GL word for 'best guy friend') is actually a VGF ('vampire guy friend'). This VGF wants to be more and is convinced this girl is his soulmate, so this girl sends in a letter to her local teen mag, where an intern uncovers it and the diary the girl sent. Oh, sounds scandalous, right? Hopefully I can get a little help writing seeing I don't care to know much about vampires!

In reading-land, I'm on page 307 of Gone With the Wind (named hereafter Gone For the Win (GFTW), which I'm getting through little-by-little. I'm thinking of just buying the book and working to get through it these first couple months of college. I refuse to watch the movie until after. I want to see if the whole bias thing works.

That said, I'm off to go live and see a movie. Happy writing, everyone! I ought to consider doing more of it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pilot Ready for Landing

"Don't leave the key underneath the mat for me 'cause I won't be coming back around here."

Wrapped up the pilot of Bottoms Up tonight (phrase which I masterfully incorporated in the latest of my published articles on GL.) I'm sharing it with all two to three of you for feedback. It's fun enough, and I have plans for about six episodes vaguely. It's just a shame I'm not more humorous.

Speaking of which, I'm feeling very dry tonight. It's a strange sensation, being drained of emotion. For one of the first times in my life, I understand Rhett Butler and how you can be depleted of your feeling for someone. There's always something there, but sometimes you have to put your foot down, shrug, and just say "I'm sorry. I'll always care about you vaguely, but I just can't put the effort in anymore. I don't care to. The motivation is gone," a long pause, "You killed it."

It'd be one of those long, awkward moments where you, nonchalant as ever would just tilt your head and offer a small smile. It isn't that you mean to be mean. You don't care enough to mean anything. You feel nothing. Every emotion you ever felt before has evaporated. For every complaint, moment of angst, it's all replaced with something else: complacency. It's replaced with the word 'whatever. I just don't care. Do what you want, just leave me out of it.'

It's hard to describe. I think coupled with fatigue, its tendencies are only accentuated. But you can't say you don't care at all, not even the slightest .000001% because that'd be a lie. You just don't care the way you used to. You just don't feel the way you used to because you don't really feel anything. And all you can really say is "I'm sorry." You look that person dead in the eyes. "It was you."

Here's Bottoms Up! Hooray.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Back in Business

So I've had a design dry spell lately. Adjusting to life on a laptop and sans mouse, I had trouble finding the same spark I did on InDesign before. And then this happened:

Introducing Bottoms Up, formerly the Intern Diaries and my Disney-esque sitcom about two BFFs working in NYC. I really like the design for this. I also find it really sad how I insist on creating templates for every script or story I write. Whatever the case, this design shares some elements with F.Y.I. (namely the fonts and the black--I need to get over that!), but more or less will probably be recycled for something with more meaning someday.

Nonetheless, I forgot how much time you can spend designing a spread--especially before you have a template. I also forgot how much I loved it. :)

I've written half of the Bottoms Up pilot and the script is okay. I gave up on sitcom format and returned to my old stage format that I used for HSY. As of the late, I've been dabbling with both HSY and Bottoms Up. I don't know if I'll have HSY 3 done by the end of the summer, but I'll certainly try. It remains hard to get into but I really do like what I have so far.

Well, that's all. I should consider bed, seeing I have to get up at 8:30 tomorrow. Oh, golly gee whiz! How exciting!

OH P.S. I AM FINISHING THE COLLEGE GUIDE THING. That is a PROMISE, and thus requires all caps. Hold me to it, VW/Miliana/Alex/Lenore/Sara/Whoever else reads this!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Realism v. Idealism

Skimming some reviews for (500) Days of Summer tonight and among them, found this quote:

Dreams are what we pursue until reality sets in.

For some reason, perhaps because of contact irritation, which has been plaguing my eyes all day, this disturbed me. As a somewhat realistic teen, I have been struggling with this issue for a while. Reality bites. Things never go quite the way you plan. Sometimes they're better. Sometimes they're worse. Is it worth believing in something and getting your hopes up and heart floating when you know more than likely it's going to be shot down?

While I originally thought of this in terms of career aspirations and colleges (because, as everyone knows, that's all I think about), eventually my thoughts came to love.

In fiction, you want it to work out. Characters are literally written for each other (foils for the win, obviously). They need to be together. Twilight isn't Twilight if Edward and Bella don't share that passionate kiss. It just isn't a love story, more or less, when the two main characters don't get married, don't end up with each other. It's a love tragedy. Love at first sight, marrying your first love (Nate Archibald and Blair Waldorf, for example)--they're supposed to happen in fiction. We want it to happen. It's a perfect universe. And in a perfect universe, shouldn't it?

But now to reality: I've learned not to expect anything. I don't believe in love at first sight. The idea of marrying a first love repulses me. There are so many people out there. How can you settle for one without a sample of the rest of the world? I don't know what love is anymore. I don't want to fall in it. I don't believe--absolutely cannot conceive--how two people can convienantally have the same intensity of feelings for the other at the same time. It's really quite remarkable. And marriage....a joke for half the country. This media and adult generation, has shaken my ideas of a happy ending. I want to believe in a love that really changes you--that captures you and captivates you--that just holds onto your heart and hands and takes you completely. I want to, but I can't.

In reality, you can't fall anymore because the consequences are too great. It just isn't practical. No one (myself included) wants to lose control.

I have very low expectations for a relationship in real life. I have very high ones for any fictional affair. When it comes to giving advice though on what a girl/guy should do about their guy/girl problems respectively, it's very hard for me to say get attached. I know when you don't get attached, you won't get much back and you sacrifice that deep relationship that oozes in romantic comedies.

I once believed in true love when I was a kid. I once believed your soulmate was out there, doing homework or something. I once imagined our thoughts might converge on the same topic every so often--that maybe, for just a split second, he was thinking of you, his future wife/girlfriend/whatever and how powerful the love you'll share will be. He's longing for you even though you're so far away and won't enter his life for years, maybe even decades when I was younger.

But it's too hard to lose faith completely. You can't stop dreaming even if you know reality stinks. Yes, it may be the rough lesson you learn someday, that nothing is truly fair and dreams don't come true even if you work hard for them and that love just doesn't last, but you have to believe in something when you're young regardless of how wrong it is. I'd rather follow my dreams than prescribe to a subpar reality even if the latter's more likely.

It's because there's this chance. There's this chance that while you're shooting for the stars, you'll still end up above the ground and in the sky. You may just make it. You may just unlock something truly deep, amazing, and just plain idealistic. And you never would have if you lost faith in people, love, dreams, and the world around you.

And maybe it's stupid. Maybe it's not the practical thing to do, but to me, the opportunity cost--your spirit--is far greater if you don't. I'll never stop believing in a concept. I refuse to give up my unrealistic dreams. And yes, I refuse to stop believing there's still a small part of me (deep, deep down somewhere) that believes in love. It's too hard not to.

Monday, June 29, 2009

West Coast Story, Part 1

The first pic I sent to my sister conveying how much I missed her as we entered the city.

CALIFORNIA: a vast land of unprecedented beauty. Perhaps one of the most important (if not the most important) states past the East Coast, California symbolizes success and the American dream. It was the home of the Gold Rush. It houses Hollywood and the popular kids of America. It inspired many Steinback novels. It is wonderfully liberal and insanely in debt. What California is now is a vision, a embodiment of how the other half lives (rest assured, Jacob Riis, I am referring to the other half of the US). The moment I stepped out of that airport in San Francisco, the second I felt the twinge of the Pacific breeze, I knew I was no longer merely a child. I was an East Coast girl on a foreign planet. Life as I knew it was over.

Two For the Road
The trip to California started with a cruel wake up call at an hour too early to be remembered (in fact, I've repressed it). After dressing for travel, my dad loaded up the van with our luggage, and we set off for BWI. For my brother, it was his first trip on a plane. For me, it was my third. I had gone to Chicago for repressed reasons last year. Sitting in the car, trying to sleep as my brother and dad endeavored on their male conversations, I couldn't help but be numb to the whole travel experience. All I could think about was how I was the only girl on this trip--the minority. My sister and mom were at home sleeping. My brain was barely functioning. My dad entered the parking garage of BWI, and we got out of the car. We walked. We got on the elevator. We rode to the United airlanes terminal. We checked our luggage. I was asked to have my age verified. We went through security. I got an issue of Elle for the plane ride. We sat at the gate. We boarded the plane. It took off.

Let's Do the Time Warp
The plane ride to Denver, where we would be laid over (is that the right phrase) for an hour was unbearably boring. The plane played New in Town, a flick with Renee of Bridget Jones' Diary fame. After perusing Elle and trying to settle intern transportation conflicts, I opted to listen to Channel 2 of the plane's audio channel. This channel was the Top 20 On 20. Somehow, for most the flight, I didn't have any repeats.

I remember sitting on that plane at the window seat, looking out my window at the crowds, and hearing that peculiar noise. It was a song. I swore the voice was familiar, it was kind of corny. But taken by the lyrics, I felt empowered. And then I realized who the singer was: Miley Cyrus, "The Climb." I was being retrospective, perhaps, thinking that high above the world in the air my troubles were insignificant. The world was a doll house, the world was a research paper that has yet to and never will be graded for it triumphs. It is not bound by a letter grade. It is not bound by plains or mountains. It soars.

Liberated, I watched as we finally landed in the most dreary city I have spent an hour in: Denver.

Behind us, a girl from Colorado kept chatting about coming home. She was lively, vivacious. The city wasn't. Seeing the dull plains, the mountains in the distance, the random city placed in the middle of no where and the farms beside it, I couldn't help but feel, as an East Coaster smacked between two major cities, that Denver was the saddest place in the world. My cell phone, when turning it on, seemed to recieve text messages from the future. That's when I realized we had crossed more than one time zone.

My dad and I were able to grab healthy, overpriced food at a cafe. The airport had FREE WiFi (a rare service I learned on the way back). We ate along with my brother, who was enjoying his Mexican feast. We ate and were kind of quiet. I checked Perez Hilton, Facebook, Gmail. I was so connected yet so far away from my friends. Instead, my big brown eyes looking up, I was stuck with two guys who were at least 10 years older than me. Lovable guys, but still...they didn't understand the significance of a Facebook divorce. Only I did.

I tweeted, bought an issue of Girls' Life (GL), enjoyed a small frozen yogurt (TCBY is just lovely), and got ready to board the next flight to San Francisco. I got on, put back on my ear phones, and listened to more Miley Cyrus and pop artists. I read the entire issue of GL, expanding my slang vocabulary. My "vacay," as the issue said, was just beginning.

A representative illustration of San Francisco's population drawn from the comforts of an East Coast, warm deck. Ahh, nostalgia.

The Start of Something New
I landed in San Francisco pretty late in East Coast terms. I believe it was around 7 back home. But it was 4 here and the sun was shining. Life was all around. We got our rental car and I dragged my luggage. My new suitcase had already been beat up--typical. I stood outside and shivered. Apparently San Francisco lacked humidity. It was colder than I thought.

But I had my epiphany at that moment, grumbling about the horrible weather. I was an East Coast girl. This place wasn't for me to live in. It was the moment I knew where I belonged in the United States, and that it definitely wasn't northern California. I got in the car and looked out the window. I texted my sister, craving her teenage, female company. I sent her a picture of the city scape. "Just got into the city. Wish you were here."

But life went on. We arrived at Hotel Adagio, just a couple blocks from Union Square, within a half hour. It was hard to believe, driving in that foreign country, how beautiful the state was. There were mountains, but they had plants on them. It was tan. The view was breathtaking. I didn't think such amazing scenery was legal. For the first time, I was truly taken back by nature. This was California. This was the West Coast. This was the stuff of fairy tales and John Steinback novels. It was all there, right in front of my eyes.

San Francisco was a hilly place, I quickly learned. We checked into our hotel, and I convinced my father to run with me. As a frequent jogger who obtained a running magazine subscription as a graduation present, I felt the need after a comatose day on multiple planes to be active. I also felt the need to do something that would raise my internal temperature 10 degrees. So my father agreed, seeing my dissatisfaction that NoCal, or whatever they called it, was not exactly a sunny 75 degree paradise.

I put on my running gear (shorts and a thermal), and walked down two or three blocks. "The city is not good for running," my dad told me, but I didn't care. We started and went through the deserted business district. It was Saturday. No one was working. We crossed streets, waiting every so often for the walking light to turn. I ran in place. People stared. I guess my uptight, high maintenance East Coast was showing.

We ran along the empty boulevards, passed all the banks and designer boutiques and up towards the pier. I saw rainbow flags. I saw palm trees and didn't comprehend how they could grow in this arctic weather. I saw a gorgeous sidewalk along numerous, strangely numbered piers that we ran down. I saw San Francisco bay. I saw chill people running. I saw just dazzling scenery. I began to wonder whether that old show Rocket Power was based here or in Santa Cruz (more on that town later).

And then we turned back. We went back passed the empty boulevards of the business district. We made our way back towards Union Square. We returned to our hotel. I took a shower, actually warm. The weather, while freezing to any humidity-loving person, was ideal for running. So I sat back, rinsed off, and got dressed. We were going to Fisherman's Wharf.

Fish Out of Water
Dressed in jeans, God's curse to mankind, hoping my pastel yellow trench would compensate, I embarked with my father and brother down Union Square to the trolley stop. My father, hoping we'd obtain an authentic San Fran experience, wanted us to travel on it...until he saw the lines. With three cars lined up, none moving at the Union Square stop, and hoards of tourists waiting already, my father surrendered the idea for the ride over. Instead, we went for a taxi.

Apparently in taxis, you don't wear seatbelts. Riding up and down hills in San Fran, however, made me almost tempted to break that unsaid rule. We arrived at Fisherman's Wharf in what seemed to be forever. The place itself was full of tourist stops. It was a portable Ocean City boardwalk down to the Ripley's Believe It or Not museum and tacky tourist shops. We were hungry, walking by the water. One of the concierge ladies at the hotel had recommended two restaurants: Boudin's and some other restaurant I forgot the name of.

Remembering my father having brought home delicious sourdough bread from his last trip out west, I felt obligated to convince my brother and father to dine at the very institution that made it (a friend's text only strengthened that feeling of duty). They agreed and we went up.

Boudin's upper floor restaurant was dimly lit. It didn't do much for me, seeing I was already fatigued. Sitting at the table, munching on far too much bread for my own good (I didn't realize they had given me sourdough until after I had enjoyed some French bread), we ordered overpriced seafood. I enjoyed shrimp scampi--or something quite like it. The shrimp were superb but the angel hair pasta was too much to handle after a long day. I ate all my shrimp and half my pasta and called it a night. I wrapped a piece of Boudin's sourdough for the next day, figuring the slice may come in handy.

Walking out of the restaurant, full beyond belief, I clutched my dad's warm arm (he was wearing a fleece) as we traversed the chilly wharf. The stores weren't at all interesting or satisfying, and all I could think about was a warm hotel room and cozy bed.

My dad had other visions, however, namely a trolley ride.

We entered the line once again full of hoards of people for a trolley back to Union Square. The line circled around the trolley stop, and my father watched as the trolleys were manually turned. Each trolley seemed to wait forever before leaving and shivering, not even the earnest entertainment of two street musicians turned magicians could cure me of my angst and discomfort. Tired, beaten, and numbed, my father and brother agreed too to forsake our place in that line that didn't seem to be moving, no matter how close we were. We took a taxi directly to our hotel.

Walking along the wharf, searching for a car, my dad pointed out he had stayed here before. He pointed to the Buena Vista bar or something, talking about that being the location irish cream was created. It didn't really sink with me, as I don't drink. I saw an In-and-Out burger, a California legacy and dynasty of fast food as he was talking. I threw up a little in my mouth, thinking of the grease pumped into each quickly prepared hamburger.

Then I shut my eyes.

I gripped the sleeve of my father, like a child or just a really cold, young tourist, and followed him aimlessly until we were able to snag a cab. I got in. I sat down. I went up and down more hills until I arrived back at the hotel. I thanked the driver, apologized to the beggars I saw in the streets, lifting their cups and hoping that even after five other beggars, some kind tourist would give them a nickel. But at that point, the sentiment had been desensitized, so many pandering off of vacationers along the same block. I entered the hotel, walked to the elevator, pressed the button for the fourth floor and wondered how anyone could get like that--how such a sight could evoke absolutely no feeling after seeing it so often. At the same time, I was too tired to care. I was too tired to have that heart TV described as a virtue. Then I imagined if Ford's CEO was on the streets as a beggar, if anyone would pay attention to him...

I checked my Facebook through my iTouch (the hotel had free WiFi too, linked to your room), changed into my PJs, and leaned back in my exclusive queen size bed. Being the only girl meant getting my own oversized and glammed up matress at each hotel. I leaned back, shut my eyes, prayed I'd make it through the week in one piece--a thing I always pray for, and then went to sleep. Thoughts of New York, East Coast humidity, and the warm embrace of the sun lingered in my head...

NEXT TIME: A day in the San Francisco streets, Coit Tower and a sentimental moment, Alcatraz, actual (good) pictures, and embarking through the Presidio and beyond! This one was for you, Alex.

The San Francisco cityscape taken from Coit Tower on Day 2. Doesn't it just make you crave my next wordy testimony?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Brave News World

Wrote a synopsis of my plans for the pilot. It's basically a play-by-play of the script I plan to write. The only problem, again, is I'm really not funny. That's kind of a problem when you're writing a sitcom, faux-Disney or not. Every piece of dialogue I sampled there will have to be sharper and wittier. All the same, it's a start. Feedback?

Tag: Two BFFs. Two dreams. One summer.
Two BFFs intern at Teen magazine of Terse Publications Co. Pilot, Brave News World

Summary: After an embarrassing and exposing speech at the Intern Party, new interns Amy and Natalie try to make it through their first day without getting fired.

Synopsis: The series starts at a intern party at a restaurant. The restaurant is close to the office in Midtown Manhattan. Close up on Amy Kennedy and Natalie walking into the restaurant. They’re talking about the commute from Long Island and how nervous they are. This is Amy’s dream--to work for Terse Publications. This is Natalie’s dream--to meet celebrities and work in the big city. For Amy, this is a career milestone. For Natalie, this is just a fun way to spruce up her resume. They briefly touch on their ambitions before entering the restaurant.

Inside, they are introduced to the magazine staff and the other interns. Anne Reese, the editor-in-chief, is somewhat intimidating. Alexis Pepper and Pear Barry, Natalie and Amy swear, are making snide remarks about them. Pear, making her way to the bathroom, stands up and shatters glass martini glasses, barely missing Natalie’s chest--a comedic display of her being a klutz (Just missed my heart/I think she almost killed me!) Amy and Natalie share their discomfort, and Amy begins an impassioned speech about why they need to stick with the job, even if it isn’t the best job out there. Unfortunately, Amy gets carried away and the table look to her and overhear her speech. Anne Reese, not amused, more than hints in her toast to the interns that Amy and Natalie are barely hanging onto their jobs. (END TEASER)

Amy and Natalie on the subway ride over to Manhattan record their first Intern Diaries blog. The characters comment on what has happened since the evening (not much) and get out to begin their day. Amy tells a funny story about having to run to four coffee shops to get Anne’s direct demands. The subway stops and the two get out, entering Terse magazine’s offices. The two are astound by the place and step towards the elevator, only to see a big crowd of people. It turns out one of the elevators are broken. Natalie rushes onto an elevator heading down to the lower lobby and basement floors--unfortunately with a swarm of other people. Amy relegates the coffees to her and promises to take the next elevator down. Natalie leaves. Amy waits for the elevator to do a trip down. A swarm of people still remain when it finishes its trip up and Amy assumes they are just waiting for the next elevator up--most of the publications are on higher floors. A boy steps onto the elevator and Amy follows behind. It is just the two of them on the elevator. People stare at her. Amy is unaware she is doing anything wrong.

The elevator ride is at first greeted by an awkward silence until Amy reaches over to hit her floor button. The boy suddenly chirps “Do you know who I am?” Amy innocently responds no. It turns out the boy is Blake Terse IV, whose great-grandfather started the company. Blake holds this information, unable to conceal his surprise that Amy does not know who he is. He asks questions about his family’s history, which Amy responds quickly and correctly to. At this point, he is truly baffled. He hits her floor and watches her get off. Annoyed, he starts towards her editor. She starts towards Natalie.

Natalie, shocked at this interchange, asks Amy if she knows the guy she was with. She again responds no (But he asked me the same thing!). Natalie explains it’s Blake Terse IV and that the rule is no one rides the elevator with him. “Or what?” Amy asks. And then Natalie points...

Amy rushes over to Blake and pleads with him not to tell Anne--that she was obviously mistaken. Blake, happy to have another pawn to control, strikes her a deal, at which she is reluctant to agree to. He wants her to do all his errands around the city--impossible errands, to be exact. "Or what?" She asks. "Or I’ll tell your editor and you’ll get fired." Amy is panicked. She tells Natalie who agrees to help her, knowing her job is on the line too if Anne finds out--guilt by association. (END ACT 1)

The girls start their wild chase, only to prove fruitless. They enter a coffee shop across the street, defeated. There they meet James Ryan, a charming boy their age. James, who has seen this all too many times before, hears out Amy and Natalie’s dilemma. He knows Blake and he knows how to do his tasks. He agrees to help the girls to show Blake--and the Terse family itself--that they can’t control interns because of their name.

Amy and Natalie return to the office triumphant. Amy hands Blake all the items he requested, smiling. A little shocked, he checks the items. They’re all right. “You bested me, Cinderella. I’m impressed.” “My name’s Amy, and it won’t be the last time, Prince Charming.”

The pair record another video blog reciting the lessons they learned--that while the internship may be new and exciting, it’s always important to remember what you say and who you’re talking to. While people may not really be above you--we’re human--respect is key to whatever you do. And don’t be afraid, when the going gets rough, to get a little help. After all, you may make a new friend. The pair smile, as James sits beside them. “This is Amy Kennedy, Natalie Madison, and James Ryan. You’re watching the Intern Diaries.” (END ACT 2)

West Coast Story

WEST COAST STORY: (n) 1. a cute episode of Disney's Greatest Sitcom, Sonny with a Chance; 2. Alyssa's California vacation

I made a commitment when I got back from the West to tell in full detail my story of my stay there. I intend to carry through on that commitment...just not tonight.

Pics and testimony to be up sometime next week, I promise!

Friday, June 12, 2009

That's Just So Punny.

Made my first attempt at script writing tonight. It was an epic fail. I didn't realize that writing sitcoms required following a stringent formula and being funny. I gave up after a page--30 seconds filmed. The fruits of my labor:


Scene A







Can you believe we’re really doing this?


Interning at Terse Communication’s “Teen” magazine this summer? Yeah, it’s plausible...


(DREAMILY) But it’s real...


I just said that...


Together! BFFs! 


Right. (POINTS TO DRINK) That is a Shirley Temple, right?


It’s as if the journalism gods are noticing us.


Tweedledi over here has been on her cell phone the entire time. They haven’t said a word to us.

The margins for the dialogue I slaved so long over didn't show. Clearly the entire being "witty" concept didn't go very well. I wouldn't watch this sitcom. 

I'll give it another shot tomorrow night when I have character names, but there's no way I can incorporate funny lines on the spot. Good thing I'm not going in to that industry.

Donate any good puns/witty banter ideas here though. It'll be enlightening and delighting. Cue laughter.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sharing the Wealth

I hate summer. Because high school has ended, I feel my life especially has no purpose. Purpose is on hiatus. 

In the midst of all this free time (I hate free time!), I have started yet another writing project. I'm actually recruiting my friends to act as editors for this one--I actually feel like this project gives back.

Introducing 'They're Just Not That Into You,' the college admissions guide that dares to go there. It's like Degrassi in booklet form. It also has nice design I did last night.

Regardless, it's an exciting project because of the potential it has. This booklet may actually be useful to people. It's also great because I've been able to reach out to my bored senior friends,  who have signed on as editors and writers. Very cool.

I'm writing like an elementary school student tonight, but I don't have much to say. I watched Lady and the Tramp II with my sister and all my grown up, snarky remarks have been used up for the day. Who knew Disney movies had such overt symbolism? 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Writer's Block

So I tried writing the first scene of Act 2 for HSY 3 tonight.

Admittedly, I have been having a lot of trouble writing the play. I have been basing the plot off of my experience of senior year--which, no secret (see my other blog), was honestly the most heartbreaking, angst-filled year in my life. Unlike the movie, which I cannot bear to watch anymore because of its superficiality, I intended HSY 3 to reflect what senior year really is: a wake-up call to many. There will be rejections. Irrational heartbreaks and breakdowns. There will be proms and promises and that bittersweet reality that there is an end. The other two HSYs I didn't have much of a purpose for--they were supposed to be light parodies, but HSY 3, as misplaced as it sounds, is actually pretty dark. Because I'm so attached to the characters too, it's hard to write some of the scenes. 

Which is where tonight kicks off.

I attempted writing the college "acceptance" scene tonight--basically starting out with the cast hanging around their mailboxes and dancing, singing about their impending "love letter from the world." The lights fade and it then switches to Yearbook, where Monique (the Taylor character) has been missing from school because she was rejected from her dream school, Yale. I am debating having her accepted/waitlisted at Cornell because I can't imagine anyone turning down Cornell (yet she is supposed to). Vanessa's trying to console her.


(ZAC crosses CSR. Vanessa doesn’t notice him and continues talking)

Vanessa: I know, Monique, but you have to come back some time. (pause) You’re not a failure. You got into Cornell. (pause) But that is a real Ivy... (pause) Waitlisted at Duke? I... 
Zac: Vanessa...? 
V: (panicked) I have to go, Monique. I’ll call you back, I promise! (hangs up and quickly hides phone behind back, innocently) Oh, hi Zac! 
Z: Hi? Were you talking on your cell phone during class? 
V: N-n-no. Of course not. That’d be breaking school policy. 
Z: Monique got into Cornell? 
V: She got rejected or waitlisted everywhere else...well, except for the Raimont-Clair scholarship she got at-- 
Z: But Cornell’s great... 
V: I know, but she hates it there. She said it had the highest suicide rate for a reason and she...she had her heart set on Yale... 
Z: And they...? 
V: (softly) They rejected her, Zac. 

I also tried to muster a conversation about Zac and Vanessa's colleges. Vanessa's path is very limited because a) admissions and b) money. I have yet to establish these Central High Eagles are in the greatest recession ever. Looking back, there are a lot of plot lines I'm mishandling. I have too many conflicts at once.

  • Deferral vs. Rejection: Vanessa lies to Zac about being rejected so he'll still apply at the school. What's supposed to happen: Ashley, who has learned Vanessa has been rejected, informs Zac, making him angry at Vanessa.
  • Prom Group Betrayal: Zac's prom group is deliberately filled by co-coordinator Ashley to Vanessa cannot come. Vanessa instead goes with newspaper group, breaking up the prospect of Zac and Vanessa going to prom together. What's supposed to happen: Ashley tells Vanessa the group is full on behalf of Zac, leaving Vanessa angry Zac couldn't tell her himself. Zac eventually gives up his group to go with Vanessa because all that matters is spending the evening with her.
  • Your Dreams vs. Other's Dreams: Zac agonizes over choosing the school Vanessa is going to over his dream school, Duke. Lucas has trouble deciding whether he should continue to follow his sister's footsteps and go to NYU or make his own path. What's supposed to happen: Zac makes the painful choice...and it's harder than he thinks.
  • The Greatest Recession: Money becomes an object. Lost money in the stocks/parents losing jobs causes dreams to be deferred for some students. These characters struggle with making the best decision and most of all, telling everyone. Accepted does not mean you can always go. What's supposed to happen: These characters make the painful choice but get what they deserve years down the road.
  • Inequality in the College System: Whether it's favoring athletes, minorities, or alumni's children, the college system is one built off connections and advantages. HSY 3 uses the acceptances of its characters to highlight the system's flaws. What's supposed to happen: The characters who were dealt a fate a little short of what they deserved end up better in the long run.
  • The Worst Prom Ever: High school isn't all fairy tales. A play off of work v. play, do you sacrifice your evening for the benefit of others?
  • Senior Superlatives: Ashley wants Zac and her to get together and win most of the categories. Will Zac truly give up Vanessa though and will her plan work? 
  • Being a Leader: Like college, Lucas is unsure whether to act on his feelings for Vanessa or stay in the sidelines. 
And there's probably tons of other problems I'm missing. Basically, I had divided the play up into acts dealing with different problems, but as of the late, it's become a big mess. There's a lot of scenes I wanted to do that I passed the proper timeline for doing. My plan now is to read the first act, edit, and reflect. I wanted to have this done by June 19, but I'm not sure how possible that is now. 

This is more serious/an emotional project for me. I didn't think writing about a Disney movie could be this hard but it's probably because when writing it, I'm tapping into my own personal wounds that haven't quite healed themselves.

Talk about writing playing a psychologist.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My life, the Disney show...

Just wrapped a scene up (minus the song) for HSY 3. I am one scene from the end of the first act and loathing myself for my procrastination. I intend to finish writing the first act without songs tonight. End of story.

But before that story continues, I thought I ought to take a moment to highlight the most important writing discovery of the day for future reference.

Two ingredients to this discovery: watching far too much Sonny with a Chance for my 18 year old good and my summer internship. In my infinite amounts of spare time (aka during my 30 minute jog), I was trying to brainstorm ideas for the Greatest Story Ever (here on referred to as the GSE) or HSY 3. Whenever I thought of a melodramatic, romantic exchange between Zac and Vanessa, my mind went instead to my newest idea. Maybe it was because my brother suggested I ought to be a script writer for Disney or the fact that I realized every character on their channel fell into these preset archetypes, but I figured I could make a show about my intern experience. Obviously interning at a popular magazine with your BFF is perfect fodder for a Disney Channel original series. I even thought of puns for episode titles ("Babysitting Blues," where intern A must watching editor A's crazy nephew, "Operation Desert Storm," where intern B is stuck in the office when a bad storm hits with love interest/rival). It's all genius.

The concept is the following:

THE INTERN DIARIES (or some clever pun title)
Two BFFs get an internship at their dream magazine.

  • Intern A: (or Alyssa) The cute, smart one. Driven, a little too adorable and innocent for her own good. Wants the best for people, but sometimes at the cost of herself. A little imbalanced--perfectionist, fashionista, overachiever--tends to take on more than she can handle for the other people in her life. 
  • Intern B: (or Miliana) The balanced, sweet one. Reliable and always calm. Can handle just about everything, but when things get out of her control, she runs into some trouble. Willing to do anything and super-friendly and smart. Fun-loving but when something's wrong, has trouble speaking up--at least frankly. Gossips a little too much sometimes. ;)
NOTE: Unlike OTHER Disney shows, both A and B act as voices of reason at different time. Also, neither is in the main character mold or BFF mold--they play both. Their friendship and its ups and downs is the main focus of the show.
  • Intern A's Parents: Reluctantly support Intern A's internship. Running gag: Call office the cardboard box. Ignorant parent mold.
  • Intern B's Parents: Logical, try to talk sense of Intern A's parents. Their unusual friendship can often act as a sideplot. Advisor mold.
  • Editor: One of the intern coordinators. A little quirky. Doesn't check email as much as she should but she means well. Nice, but a little flaky and often assigned A and B weird tasks.
  • Editor-in-Chief: Busy beyond belief but when she has a moment, offers great advice. Intimidates A and B--they think the EIC doesn't like them, but deep down, it is shown she does.
  • Bratty Interns A and B: Rich, self-obsessed coworkers of A and B. Foil of their friendship. Basically the narcissistic girl mold.
  • Ethnic Intern: A comedic, fun coworker and friend of A and B. An example of Disney's token whatever characters but with an actual purpose in this show.
  • Nerdy Intern: Friends with Ethnic intern. Kind of comic relief. Friend with A and B.
  • Love Interest: Son of parents who own publishing company. Rich, egotistical, self-important future womanizer male mold. Tends to hang around the office too much. A hates him, B secretly likes him, he secretly likes A. Ingredients for Disney typical love triangle.
  • Coffee Guy: Guy A and B's age that works at the nearby coffee shop. Offers advice for A and B to get out of their predicaments. Humble, nice, the right guy for A/B. Cinderella type. Advisor mold.

You get it. It's so easy as a writer when you get an idea to just run with it. You could easily expand on this and do it here. But I'm done for now. HSY calls.

Sorry, Little L! You can guest star, like Selena Gomez is in the next episode of Sonny with a Chance. Obviously that's how that works.
UPDATE:  (1:10 AM) Just finished Act 1 of HSY minus songs. Hooray!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Welcome to Writingland

Hi all,
I started this blog to keep track of all my summer writing and as more or less a way to make myself complete my current writing projects. I will post up new stuff as I go. Comment, Lenore, Sara, etc. 

Infinite xoxo's,