Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My life, the Disney show...

Just wrapped a scene up (minus the song) for HSY 3. I am one scene from the end of the first act and loathing myself for my procrastination. I intend to finish writing the first act without songs tonight. End of story.

But before that story continues, I thought I ought to take a moment to highlight the most important writing discovery of the day for future reference.

Two ingredients to this discovery: watching far too much Sonny with a Chance for my 18 year old good and my summer internship. In my infinite amounts of spare time (aka during my 30 minute jog), I was trying to brainstorm ideas for the Greatest Story Ever (here on referred to as the GSE) or HSY 3. Whenever I thought of a melodramatic, romantic exchange between Zac and Vanessa, my mind went instead to my newest idea. Maybe it was because my brother suggested I ought to be a script writer for Disney or the fact that I realized every character on their channel fell into these preset archetypes, but I figured I could make a show about my intern experience. Obviously interning at a popular magazine with your BFF is perfect fodder for a Disney Channel original series. I even thought of puns for episode titles ("Babysitting Blues," where intern A must watching editor A's crazy nephew, "Operation Desert Storm," where intern B is stuck in the office when a bad storm hits with love interest/rival). It's all genius.

The concept is the following:

THE INTERN DIARIES (or some clever pun title)
Two BFFs get an internship at their dream magazine.

  • Intern A: (or Alyssa) The cute, smart one. Driven, a little too adorable and innocent for her own good. Wants the best for people, but sometimes at the cost of herself. A little imbalanced--perfectionist, fashionista, overachiever--tends to take on more than she can handle for the other people in her life. 
  • Intern B: (or Miliana) The balanced, sweet one. Reliable and always calm. Can handle just about everything, but when things get out of her control, she runs into some trouble. Willing to do anything and super-friendly and smart. Fun-loving but when something's wrong, has trouble speaking up--at least frankly. Gossips a little too much sometimes. ;)
NOTE: Unlike OTHER Disney shows, both A and B act as voices of reason at different time. Also, neither is in the main character mold or BFF mold--they play both. Their friendship and its ups and downs is the main focus of the show.
  • Intern A's Parents: Reluctantly support Intern A's internship. Running gag: Call office the cardboard box. Ignorant parent mold.
  • Intern B's Parents: Logical, try to talk sense of Intern A's parents. Their unusual friendship can often act as a sideplot. Advisor mold.
  • Editor: One of the intern coordinators. A little quirky. Doesn't check email as much as she should but she means well. Nice, but a little flaky and often assigned A and B weird tasks.
  • Editor-in-Chief: Busy beyond belief but when she has a moment, offers great advice. Intimidates A and B--they think the EIC doesn't like them, but deep down, it is shown she does.
  • Bratty Interns A and B: Rich, self-obsessed coworkers of A and B. Foil of their friendship. Basically the narcissistic girl mold.
  • Ethnic Intern: A comedic, fun coworker and friend of A and B. An example of Disney's token whatever characters but with an actual purpose in this show.
  • Nerdy Intern: Friends with Ethnic intern. Kind of comic relief. Friend with A and B.
  • Love Interest: Son of parents who own publishing company. Rich, egotistical, self-important future womanizer male mold. Tends to hang around the office too much. A hates him, B secretly likes him, he secretly likes A. Ingredients for Disney typical love triangle.
  • Coffee Guy: Guy A and B's age that works at the nearby coffee shop. Offers advice for A and B to get out of their predicaments. Humble, nice, the right guy for A/B. Cinderella type. Advisor mold.

You get it. It's so easy as a writer when you get an idea to just run with it. You could easily expand on this and do it here. But I'm done for now. HSY calls.

Sorry, Little L! You can guest star, like Selena Gomez is in the next episode of Sonny with a Chance. Obviously that's how that works.
UPDATE:  (1:10 AM) Just finished Act 1 of HSY minus songs. Hooray!

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